Not available because you can’t select anything in the front window or because you already have selected everything. Select the entire contents of the front window. Removes the selected text. Not available because nothing that can be deleted is selected. Remove the selected text. The text is lost forever. Not available because nothing appropriate is in the clipboard or because you can’t paste anything into the current selection. Puts the current contents of the clipboard into the current selection. Not available because nothing is selected. Copies the selected item into the clipboard. Not available because no text is selected. Cuts or removes the selected text. The text is put into the clipboard. Not available because the last operation cannot be undone. Undoes the previous text command. Use this menu to work with text or to set preferences. Quit “NetPresenz Setup”. Hold down the option key to also quit NetPresenz. Convert NetPresenz between Background-only and Foreground (with log window) mode. Not available because there is no window to close. Close the front window. Hold down the option key to close all windows. Open the Summary window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the Summary window. Open the WWW Setup window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the WWW Setup window. Open a Gopher Listing window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open a Gopher Listing of a directory on your Mac. Open the Gopher Setup window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the Gopher Setup window. Open the Security window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the Security window. Open the FTP Users window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the FTP Users window. Open the FTP Setup window. Not available because the window is already at the front. Open the FTP Setup window. Use this menu to open various windows. This copy of NetPresenz will run as a faceless background only application, it will launch and disappear. You can quit it after it’s launched by holding the option key down while quitting NetPresenz Setup. This copy of NetPresenz will run as a foreground application, displaying the log window. Click this to select a copy of NetPresenz to operate on. By default, you’ll get the running copy or the one in the same folder with NetPresenz Setup. Click this cancel and discard your changes. Click this to set NetPresenz to the background mode selected. Click this to show some summary information that will help you ensure your setup is correct. Click this to configure the World-Wide-Web server. Click this to configure the gopher server. Click this to configure some security options, mostly applying to the FTP server. Click this to configure information about individual FTP users. Click this to configure the FTP server and some general preferences. This summarises the state of the system. NetPresenz will run a lot slower if VM or RAM Doubler is enabled. This summarises the state of the WWW Setup window. Click here if this information is not what you want. This summarises the state of the Gopher Setup window. Click here if this information is not what you want. This summarises the state of the FTP Setup window. Click here if this information is not what you want. This summarises the state of the Users & Groups control panel. Click here if this information is not what you want (requires System 7.5). This summarises the state of the Sharing Setup control panel. Click here if this information is not what you want (requires System 7.5). This summarises the state of the NetPresenz application. Click here if this information is not what you want. Click here to set the root of the WWW tree. You can only use this for paths that are local to this machine or currently mounted AppleShare servers. CGI is enabled. Warning: CGI scripts are able to do a lot of damage to your machine. Never allow anyone else to upload CGI scripts to your Mac. In particular, make sure all of the Web folder is read only to guests! CGI is currently disabled. Attempts to execute CGI scripts will fail with an error message. Type in the port number you want the WWW server to use. 80 is the default, leave it that way unless you know what you are doing. Type in the path to the root of the WWW tree. Paths should be slash-separated, and start at the shared folder that Guests can see. Eg /sharedfolder/www. WWW is enabled. Users will be able to use a web client to access your Mac if File Sharing is enabled (Sharing Setup Control Panel), Guests can login (Users&Groups Control Panel), and at least one folder is visible to Guests (Finder’s Sharing Menu). WWW is currently disabled. Users will not be able to use a web client to access your Mac. The owner will be allowed to use the SITE Q command to quit the server. The owner will not be allowed to use the SITE Q command to quit the server. The owner will be allowed to use the SITE A command to launch/quit applications. The owner will not be allowed to use the SITE A command to launch/quit applications. Users will be able to change folder permissions if AppleShare lets them. Users will not be able to change folder permissions. The delete command is enabled. Users with Full privs will be able to delete files or empty folders when they have read/write access. The delete command is disabled. The rename command is enabled. Users with Full privs will be able to rename files or folders when they have read/write access. The rename command is disabled. Users will be able to use the SITE INDEX command. This may be noticeable if you are trying to use the Mac for other purposes. No one will be able to use the SITE INDEX command. Users will be able to change their passwords. Users will not be able to change their passwords. Users with Upload privs and read/write access to the folder will be able to upload files to this site. No one will be able to put files to this site. Users with read access will be able to get files. No one will be able to get files from this site. NetPresenz will beep when users connect or disconnect. Click here to have FTP beep when users connect or disconnect. NetPresenz will speak when users connect or disconnect. Click here to have FTP announce when users connect or disconnect. NetPresenz will not make any noise when users connect or disconnect. Click here to disable connection sounds. AppleShare servers that require clear text passwords will be accessible via the SMNT command. This is a mild security concern, since servers could be spoofed. AppleShare servers that require clear text passwords will not be accessible via the SMNT command. The log window will be hidden when NetPresenz is not at the front. The log window will always be displayed (for the foreground version of NetPresenz). Actions will be logged to the “NetPresenz Log” file in NetPresenz’s folder in the Preferences folder. Actions will not be logged to the log file in the Preferences folder. Click here to open the selected folder in a new Gopher Listing window. It is disabled because you haven’t selected a folder entry. Click here to open the selected folder in a new Gopher Listing window. Click here to edit an entry. It is disabled because you haven’t selected an entry. Click here to edit an entry. You can change the displayed name and other guru-type parameters. Click here to add an index entry. An index entry allows the Gopher user to search for files that match a specified name. Click here to add the bookmarks from a TurboGopher exported bookmarks file. This button removes the selected link. It’s disabled because there is no selected item or because the selected item is a file not a link. Click this to remove the selected link. Click here to add a link — you’d better be a guru to use this. A better method is to Export a bookmark file from TurboGopher and use the Add Bookmarks button instead. Click here to add a link to a telnet site. The list contains both links and files. Files can be renamed by double clicking. Links can be added or removed with the buttons and can be modified by double clicking. Click here to set the initial directory for this user (or the default for this class of users). You can only use this for paths that are local to this machine or currently mounted AppleShare servers. Type the initial commands for this user here. Note that these must be valid FTP protocol commands (see RFC 959). Examples are “MACB E”, “SITE H E”, or “SMNT server”. You cannot use this to do get, put, dir or any such commands. Type the initial directory for this user (or the default for this class of users) here. The path should be slash-separated and begin at a shared folder that the user can see. Eg /sharedfolder/folder. Use this popup menu to choose which user to edit. For Personal File Sharing, the users are all listed. For AppleShare, you’ll need to add them using the Other… menu item. Click here to set the path that you want to enforce as the root of your Gopher tree. You can only use this for paths that are local to this machine or currently mounted AppleShare servers. Click here to set the path to the Gopher tree. You can only use this for paths that are local to this machine or currently mounted AppleShare servers. Type in the port number of the gopher server here. The default is 70, you should leave it that way unless you know what you are doing. Click here to edit the display of a gopher directory. Type in the path that you want to enforce as the root of your Gopher tree. This string should usually be the same as for the root directory. Type in the path to the root of the Gopher tree. Leave it blank to use the root of the file system. Paths should be slash-separated, and start at the shared folder that Guests can see. Eg /sharedfolder/folder. Type in the host you want NetPresenz to claim to be. Leave it blank to use the Mac’s name. If you have a CNAME like, you could type that here. Gopher is enabled. Users will be able to gopher to your Mac if File Sharing is enabled (Sharing Setup Control Panel), Guests can login (Users&Groups Control Panel), and at least one folder is visible to Guests (Finder’s Sharing Menu). Gopher is currently disabled. Users will not be able to gopher to your Mac. You have paid for this copy of NetPresenz. Thanks!!!! You have not paid for this copy of NetPresenz. You have enabled SIVC version checking. NetPresenz can periodically check in with the SIVC server over the Internet and inform you when new versions are released. You have disabled SIVC version checking. NetPresenz will not periodically check in with the SIVC server over the Internet and inform you when new versions are released. Type in the port number of the FTP server here. The default is 21, you should leave it that way unless you know what you are doing. Type the maximum number of simultaneous users you want to allow. Note that Personal File Sharing limits you to 10 users, but AppleShare does not impose this limit. MacTCP imposes a limit of around 32 users. Invisible files will not be shown in listings. Invisible files will be shown in listings. “.hqx” will be added to filenames by default. Use the SITE H D command to disable it. You can put this in a user’s Initial Commands. “.hqx” will not be added to filenames by default. Use the SITE H E command to enable it. You can put this in a user’s Initial Commands. BinHex decoding will be enabled initially. Use the SITE B D command to disable it. You can put this in a user’s Initial Commands. BinHex decoding will be disabled initially. Use the SITE B E command to enable it. You can put this in a user’s Initial Commands. Guests are allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. Guests are not allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. Users are allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. Users are not allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. The Owner is allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. The Owner is not allowed to use the SMNT command to mount remote servers. Use this popup menu to choose the privileges for Guests. Use this popup menu to choose the privileges for Users. Use this popup menu to choose the privileges for the Owner. Click this to revert your changes to what they were when you last saved. Click this to close the window and discard your changes. Click this to save your changes. Click here to check out our WWW site using your “http” helper. Click here to send an email message to the (overworked) tech support team. This uses your “mailto” helper in Internet Config. Eudora (1.5 or 2.1) does not support the GURL event, so it may not work if you have Eudora as your mailto helper. Click here to cycle through a list of some of the people who helped in the development of NetPresenz. Click here to launch the Register application. Fill in the details and then copy or print the form and send it to my US distributor. Thanks! Click here to check the FTP site that has current versions of NetPresenz (and our other programs). SIVC will, if you let it, tell you when new versions are available so you don’t have to check manually.